"Who you'd like to be like? Who would you like to be liked? How we like to be liked? Or how we like to be alive?"

Despite the moniker, this band is neither shit nor disco. Maybe...because this band has no noticeable elements of disco, it makes for a shitty disco? However the hell it breaks down, let it be known that this is Shitdisco. Shooting out of Glasgow, Scotland, Shitdisco assembles a sound that's surely no stranger to their patria. Nevermind about their accents, but Shitdisco is a quartet that certainly does carry a sound that lets you know that they hail Her Royal Majesty. OK in particular, with it's driven bass line and active drum beat, is what led me to this band of hooligans. It's music that permeates from around the corner and draws you in with vocals that are sung with one suggestively high raised eyebrow - the vocals just want to shag you. It's downright ruckus music it is...

Video for Shitdisco's "OK"

Various Songs From Shitdisco (all songs are right click - save as):
Reactor Party

Learn more at the Shitdisco site.
Be their friend!


Otherwheres - It may not be Thursday anymore, but that's not gonna stop me from linking IGIF's Thursdays and Covers...

Otherwheres - Matt over at YANP shares some YouTubage of the Killers and Vines covering Helter Skelter...

Otherwheres - Have a great weekend!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
That's a great video!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OK is a great song. I've checked out Shitdisco before, and I just never found myself as impressed with the rest of their stuff though

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh yes and cute whatever thing that is

Blogger Alina said...
brilliant frame, bradley!