by Angie
Wasn't it a bit harder to pay attention in 2008 than it was in 2007?
8. Santogold by SantogoldSantogold burst onto both the independent and mainstream music scene in 2008. With her undeniably unique and talented voice, Santogold blends funk, hip-hop, rock, and reggae into an infectious combination. Coming to a Converse ad near you. mp3 Starstruck
7. Youth Novels by Lykke Li
The incredibly pretty Swede, Lykke Li, was virtually unknown until 2008. Youth Novels' "Let it Fall" catapulted her into the spotlight earlier this year and made her a household name (in the homes of young, independent music listeners, anyway).
mp3 Dance Dance Dance

6. Hold On Now, Youngster... by Los Campesinos!
Los Campesinos! actually came out with two albums in 2008, Hold On Now, Youngster... and We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed. "You! Me! Dancing!" was the ultimate tie-breaker. The relaxed riffs in the beginning build up perfectly to an almost overwhelming mess of sound that, once at its peak, immediately drops into a fun, if noisy, melody that we have come to expect from virtually all Campesinos songs. mp3 You! Me! Dancing!
5. Dear Science by TV On The Radio
Confession: I threw up at my first and only TV On The Radio concert (I have since learned that I am allergic to alcohol). However. I still managed to fully enjoy myself from the floor surrounded by my vomit. That's how great this band is. Although I must admit that I enjoyed a bit more than Return To Cookie Mountain a bit more than Dear Science, songs like "Halfway Home" make this album worthy enough to be in anyone's top five.
mp3 Halfway Home

4. At Mount Zoomer by Wolf Parade
Wolf Parade has long been a favorite band of mine, which made the release of At Mount Zoomer a highly anticipated occasion. The album did not disappoint. The band is as fresh as ever and a touch brighter than when we heard them in Apologies to Queen Mary.
mp3 The Grey Estates

3. Oracular Spectacular by MGMT
Before I say anything else, I must tell you that "Kids" is an incredibly infectious song. Listen to it now. Okay. Now that that's out of my system, this duo from Brooklyn has created a masterpiece with Oracular Spectacular. There will be those that tell you that they're annoying. Don't listen to them, it's just the way they sing. Their psychedelic pop is complex and enticing and the shit.
mp3 Kids

2. Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust by Sigur Rós
Can you pronounce the album? Really? My favorite band from Iceland has released their most different album to date. With more guitar and a slightly poppier sound, Sigur Rós is as accessible as ever. "Gobbledigook" is heartbreakingly beautiful.mp3 Gobbledigook
1. Attack & Release by The Black Keys
Now for the best album of 2008. Attack & Release is perfection. Each song is a stand-alone wonder. Case in point. Every song I heard I desperately wanted to hear and see performed live. My favorite track, "Psychotic Girl" was my feel-good song for the year.
mp3 Psychotic Girl
Finally someone gives Attack & Release the recognition it deserves :) I'm so happy with your list
And yes, it WAS harder to pay attention in '08 than it was in '07.