[Retrospective: Fujiya & Miyagi with PJ,PJ]
"I got the shakes. I got the creeps. I got the fever."

Just to put this night into perspective - I woke up with a Charley horse; I did so much dancing, it classified as strenuous exercise. I also woke up with a headache, but no need to share what got me to wake up with that.

Jumping onto stage first was Brooklyn duo Project Jenny, Project Jan. Now, getting people to dance when there's a cold front coming in isn't that hard a task - it warms things up and before you know it, the jackets are coming off. When it comes to Project Jenny, Project Jan though, I'm pretty sure more than jackets came off that night. These guys can get people to dance in the heat of hell, and lead Jeremy Haines, the only man that can probably possess the devil himself with the need to move, spread his gyrating witchery over a crowd that, at that point, was anything but stagnant.

Now to be honest, I was expecting my review of Fujiya & Miyagi to include the phrasing "I didn't expect a group of guys just standing there to..." somewhere. At first, I was a little worried thinking Fuyija & Miyagi's entire set would be a downplay of activity after something as active as Project Jenny, Project Jan, but how quickly that idea got thrown out the window. When Fujiya & Miyagi took to stage, we were granted a two song intermission to cool our joints, and after those two songs, we were dropped right back into a dance party. To my surprise, Fujiya & Miyagi's discography takes on an entirely different demeanor when played live. Streaming from a stereo, you have a set of subdued, characteristically cool-as-Fonzie tracks, but live, those songs slam the jukebox and really get things going. They're certainly adept to play live affairs, and they carry a certain degree of symbiotics that maintain the fluidity essential to their tracks. The bass, the treble - you can really feel the sound with these guys, and as expected, it just injects into you so effortlessly that you won't even notice you're moving to it. By this point, it was naturally a hot, sweaty dance box, and the encore that followed only made the place a hotter, sweatier, dancier box. Joined on stage by the men of Project Jenny, Project Jan, the incredibly infectious "Pins & Needles" began to play and the place just turned into a zoo. Fujiya & Miyagi, along with Project Jenny, Project Jan, make for an incredibly, incredibly dance infectious night and is highly, highly recommended.

Project Jenny, Project Jan @ Emo's

Fujiya & Miyagi @ Emo's

Fujiya & Miyagi @ Emo's

From Project Jenny, Project Jan ft. Fujiya & Miyagi (all songs are right click - save as):
Pins & Needles ft. Fujiya & Miyagi

From Project Jenny, Project Jan:

Get more at their previous post.
Learn more at their site.

From Fujiya & Miyagi:

Get more at their previous post.
Learn more at their site.
Be their friend!


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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thanks SOOO MUCH for posting that Pins and Needles song! I was wondering what they were playing with PJPJ, I loved it so much!