"Emily, why you stealing my boyfriend?"
Bumbling about on their own separate ways on London's streets until one fateful day,
Allo, Darlin' came to be when four people found each other and the music they make, and now, I found them. Your turn. Like all things found, it can either be trash or treasure, and Allo, Darlin' most certainly is the latter. Rounding out to be one heck of a foursome, Allo, Darlin' is a hodgepodge of all the things to love in pop and have drawn equivalents to include company like Belle & Sebastian and Camera Obscura. With vocals led by darling Elizabeth Morris, Allo, Darlin' turn out tunes that are tenaciously pop - jangly, gleeful sets of grin-inducing dance starters. Allo, Darlin' are set to release their debut album in the UK this Tuesday.
Various songs from Allo, Darlin':
EmilyDreamingLearn more at their site.
Be their friend!
Otherwheres - You can expect me to join the swarthing masses stricken with World Cup fevaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
Otherwheres - Matt over at
You Ain't No Picasso shares the Shins' cover of "Goodbye Girl"...
Otherwheres - For the locals out there, Lawrence at
Covert Curiosity gives us a preview of Do512's Girls Who Rock night at the Independent...