[Bicycle Voice]
"I can't even tell you how you look at me in the summertime; it's just too good to explain."

After you've taken a gander at her photo, I can tell you right now that your preposterously low, perhaps even humorous guess at her age is actually probably pretty close to actuality. For one, I'm pretty sure this singer-songwriter can only legally drink alcohol with a parental chaperon. Talented youngsters like the personage behind one (wo)man band Bicycle Voice, Meg Webb, always put me to shame. Next to her, I feel like a lazy, unaccomplished bum. Assuredly, Webb is no unaccomplished bum. Putting her youth to use, Webb crafts charming pop tracks that are sure to soundtrack your summer days.

Various songs from Bicycle Voice:
Ellis the Trellis

Be her friend!


Otherwheres - Matt over at You Ain't No Picasso has the Lolla line-up...

Otherwheres - Local bloggers Ultra8201 will be celebrating their birthday big. Head on over to catch the details of their celebration on Thursday...

Otherwheres - And just because, I'm gonna go ahead and link to blog neighbors A Certain Romance. Head on over for good stuff...